Monday, December 20, 2010

Otterbox Defender for IPhone4: All-In-One Bulky Protective Case But Worth The Price.

The Background:

My wife and I recently picked up a matching set of iPhone 4's and because I was a veteran "screen breaker" of my old iPhone 3G, I figured I would either buy insurance at $8-10 per month, or pay a bit extra for a top quality case that could protect my phone. I chose the latter and 2 months later, I am not looking back.


Types of iPhone Cases:

First of all, with regards to iPhones in particular, there are 4 basic types of cases:

  • Bumpers - the cheap rubber ring that surrounds the outer edge
     of the iphone while leaving the front and back open to all the
     disasters that are magnetically attracted to all iPhones.
     This is the type that Apple temporarily offered for "free" to quell
     an angry mob that was suffering from the antenna design flaw
     built into the iPhone 4. If you didn't get the freebie, then you have
     to cough up about $4 on ebay (plus shipping...usually $44.95 or
     some ridiculous amount that ebay Nazis charge)

  • Silicone Case - this is generally an inexpensive "wrapper" that  
     surrounds your iphone around the back and edges but leaves the
     front open to any disasters that might befall your over priced
     iPhone. you can use a thin annoying film-plastic sticker over
     your screen if you are a glutton for punishment and crud on your
     screen. I have tried these "film screen protectors" and the only
     thing they protected my iPhone from was actual use by its owner.
     dust, cold, heat, breath, will cause this film to become a barrier
     between your touch and the touch screen. Nevertheless, some
     people use this film crud and swear by it. This Silicone style can
     be picked up for about $8.

  • Hard Shell Case - this is definitely the "next step" of cases and
     offers slender hard shell protection around the back and edges
     and is raised a bit above the front rim of the iPhone which allows
     minimal protection against dropping the iPhone. This is the type I
     had for my old 3g before buying the Otterbox Defender for the 4.
     This can be used with a thin annoying plastic film to give a "thin
     annoying" level of protection to your screen but I still don't
     recommend this type. A hard shell case usually runs about $15 or
     so, I got mine at or something like that.
     shipping was free, price was fair, legit dealer, no problems there.

  • All-In-One Case - This is the best of all worlds. Generally is a 3
     or 4 part case that involves in internal plastic case that securely
     wraps the phone and has a plastic "window" that protects the
     iPhone glass and allows for touch operation directly through the
     plastic and this snap on case is covered by a grippable "silicone"
     wrapper/bumper that allows for holding the Phone and offering
     water resistance and an additional layer for phone and case
     These cases are like plastic tanks that protect your iPhone: Big,  
     Bulky, and Pricey, and if you've broken your iphone screen a
     couple times like I have, those things stop mattering as much.   
     This style of case will generally run from $30-50 depending on
     what kind of shopper hound you may be.There are only about 3
     makers of "All-In-One" cases:
     Ballistic, Logitech, and the one I am reviewing - Otterbox.

The Look and Feel:

The Otterbox Defender Case for iPhone 4 is definitely the skinniest pig in the litter of fatso cases. The new Defender case has been slimmed down to better match the contour of the squarish iPhone4 yet the outer silicone is textured to allow for a good grip. I like that the Otterbox has a coating on the outside of the touch screen protective window that protects it from static, oil slicks (eww), and bubbles while still permitting full functionality of the touch screen.


The Otterbox Defender allows for easy, protected access to all major ports: headphone on top, sync/charge cable on bottom, and the silence switch on left side. Otterbox has improved the Defender line by removing that annoying plastic film (all plastic film is annoying by the way) that used to cover the camera holes on the old 3g versions of the Otterbox. They now just have a beveled/recessed hole for the lens and for the flash which now gives us clear wonderful pictures without weird light aberrations. Good job Otterbox.


Here is where the negative mark comes in. Yes I want protection, yes I'm glad it completely covers the phone. No, I do not want to take more time to open the phone case than it takes to prepare a Doctoral Thesis on the mating habits of the amoeba! MAN! They make this totally un-user friendly when it comes to popping this thing apart, putting in your phone, and plopping it all back together.

Basically, it requires peeling the tight silicone off the snap ridges on the top and sides and then popping the interior plastic case apart and then lining your iPhone in the front half just right and then aligning that front half with the phone into the snap slots of the back part and then the silicone goes back around the outside. God help you if you need to take your phone out of the case in a hurry. Its not going to happen at first.

Be prepared to watch a couple Youtube vids like I did to figure it out. Apparently its hard for those weirdos too because every video cuts away right at the point that you have to pry the plastic case apart to insert your phone. Anyhow, this is the only negative I found besides the price. In defense of the Otterbox, once you've mastered the install it becomes easier to take the iPhone in and out each time.


The outside silicone absorbs shock from drops, the interior plastic case further absorbs shock and keeps the phone secure, because of the plastic operating window, broken or scratched screens are a thing of the past.

There is a soft felt lining on the interior that serves to gently protect your over priced iPhone from the inside against case scratchings etc.

However, please note, this case does not protect the iPhone 4 from owner stupidity. It does not protect from theft and: The Otterbox Defender for iPhone 4 is NOT, repeat 'not' waterproof, but rather, is water resistant. So dropping the iphone in the toilet while in the Otterbox case will not save the iPhone. However,  if you have to speak on your phone while holding it in the rain or if you are using your phone in the sweltering Sun of Las Vegas and your palm is sweating profusely (again, ew), the Otterbox will keep your iphone relatively dry and safe. The majority of risk with an iPhone is damage by droppage or squashage etc and the Otterbox is awesome to protect your there.

Whats in the box?

You will get a fully secured Otterbox case fully built in one piece that you will have to learn how to take apart like a rubix cube. You will now get a holster which can be used to attach your iPhone 4 to your belt like you were some kind of techie Clint Eastwood. AND, this holster doubles as a stand for "hands free" viewing of movies, etc OR, as a decent stand to use your overpriced iPhone as an overpriced

"web cam" on your desk.

Price and Availability:

The Otterbox Defender for iPhone 4 lists for $34.95 on the Otterbox site but I've seen it at Amazon for around $25. We got ours from a place called "recellular" where it was basically an open box or store demo and we got it for about $15. I do consider the $34.95 a bit pricey for this case, however, the alternative is paying for a new $125 screen replacement or $8-10 per month for insurance. I'll pay the $30 and zip it. Its a value for what this case provides
Pros: Protection, Access, Usability, Look and Feel
Cons: Complicated installation and Price
The Bottom Line:
Of the "all-in-one" plastic bulky tank cases, the Otterbox leads the pack. Great protection, horribly difficult to install, but worth the price.

Overall Product Rating:
Product Rating: 4.0  Above Average


Friday, September 10, 2010

Is There Life After Death? Or Is There Nothing After Death?

Very interesting comparison of what some of the major world religions have to say about "what happens when you die" and even addresses the atheist "after death nothing" position. Its a good read from a good site in my Stumblr opinion! Enjoy!

Is There Life After Death? Or Is There Nothing After Death?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Democrat Spenders Fail

So, let me get this straight: The first stimulus went to Democrat pet projects and non-existent public works, it resulted in less private sector jobs AND (wait for it...wait for it) it put YOU and ME on the hook to pay for it. FAIL. I'm sure Obamulus really believes that the failure of this stimulus was somehow George Bush's fault.

It gets better. Now, Harry Reid and the Obamacrats backdoor us for another 26 Billion "stimulus" while our Reps in Congress were in recess. For what will this second FAIL stimulus be used? To pay for failing Democrat incumbent campaigns?

The following article is hilarious:

Republicans Suggest Names for 'Second Stimulus' Bill...
Click to view story:

Happy Reading!

Friday, July 30, 2010

A Salute To The Famous Ladies of Politics

In the fun of this political season, I wanted to take some time out to give "much luv and respeks" to all the wonderful ladies that grace the famous political scene here in America.

While some are loved only by MSNBC, CBS, and CNN. and others only loved by FOX, nearly all of them are not without controversy of some kind: whether it is defending the sanctity of marriage years after making a controversial video, slaughtering an entire compound of innocent women and children, defrauding millions in a Whitewater investment, or vowing to vote for Hillary Clinton if John McCain garners the Republican nomination, these women are all worthy of note when it comes to today's political landscape in the U.S.

Most of these ladies are conscientious observers and contributors of ideas that fuel discussion and debate regarding the policies that shape our future, and for that, I say "thank you".

Perhaps my next post will be honoring the controversial dudes of American politics. I'm open to suggestions for that list.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How Gullible Are We?

This was found on the newsgroup: rec.humor.funny

Dangerous Chemical!
A student at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair, April 26. He was attempting to show how conditioned we have become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical "dihydrogen monoxide."

And for plenty of good reasons, since:

1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
2. it is a major component in acid rain
3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
4. accidental inhalation can kill you
5. it contributes to erosion
6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients

He asked 50 people if they supported a ban of the chemical.

* Forty-three (43) said yes,
* six (6) were undecided,
* and only one (1) knew that the chemical was water.

The title of his prize winning project was, "How Gullible Are We?"

He feels the conclusion is obvious.

Al Gore would be SO proud.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You asked for it! The big-spender scorecard

How did the congressional representative in your state vote on key "fail" issues?
Bank Bailout? It was supposed to "keep the loans for business and homes flowing". It did not. The banks took our money, and now refuse to give business and home loans.

Auto Bailout? It was supposed to "keep the auto manufacturers stable and profitable" It did not. In fact, GM - Government Motors is doing worse and Ford Motor Co., who refused the bailout, is more profitable than the manufacturers that took our money.

Cap and Trade? It is being pushed as legislation to stop evil industrial monsters from dumping poison into the atmosphere, lakes, and rivers. When in reality, that is not happening. It is legislation to tax you and me for using hot water, air conditioning, heating, gas, etc that is in "excess" of what Big Brother says it should be.

Health Care? It was supposed to usher in a utopia of shining happy people all secure in their government provided health care. It hasn't even gone into effect and already, the insurance companies are revealing that they will not cover certain "high risk" health patients. Already our insurance premiums are going up and coverage is going down to compensate for the future claims of deadbeats that show up at the door of the hospital and jump in on some gub'ment health care.

So how did your Congressmen and women vote. Here is a scorecard. Bookmark the site and make sure you bounce these clowns in November. There is no reason to allow them to continue to take our money and use it for extremist liberal left uses.

A new, simple guide about how lawmakers voted on controversial measures such as the TARP bill, auto bailout, cap and trade, food regulations and health-care reform bill. A new congressional scorecard details votes by House members on key measures , evidence of growing federal government control and excessive spending. A man named Dave Kittley created the scorecard using data from . He included a red label next to each member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus , or CPC, the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in Congress. CPC was set up in 1991 by then-Rep. Bernie Sanders, in conjunction with Democratic Socialists of America and the far left Institute

You asked for it! The big-spender scorecard

Monday, June 28, 2010

"If Movie Posters Told The Truth" list

This was quite a funny little find. Because I refuse to watch movie trailers, often times I am left with nothing to go on but
a movie poster. It might be helpful if a few of those movie posters REALLY told me what the movie was about!

"If Movie Posters Told The Truth" list

Monday, June 21, 2010

Putting Things Into Proper Perspective

With all the griping and political bickering and ceaseless concern for what I don't have, I came across this interesting collection of statistics.

I suppose it gave me reason for pause...and a bit of correction for perspective on life in general.

In case you have trouble with the "artsy" overuse of EVERY font in the book, here is a summary of what it says:

Food, clothes, shelter = richer than 75% of the world

Money in the bank, wallet, and spare change = top 8% of world's wealthy

Etc. Etc. Etc.

OK...I'll stop complaining - for tonight anyway.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama - Greatest Hits

An interesting little collection to help keep a clear mind with the primaries coming up.
Vote for the candidate that has the greatest chance of removing this guy and his

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Zoom H4n - Field and Home Recording Studio In Your Pocket.

Not too long ago, I picked up a field recorder to improve audio captured for various random shoots. I felt inclined to thoroughly express my opinion through a review on the overall value of the Zoom H4n Recorder...
Pros: Sound Quality, XLR input versatility, and some home recording functionality, not normally found on digital hand-helds like this one.
Cons: Small buttons, tricky double-punch-to-record function, poor battery life when utilizing 4 channel recording. VU meter reading is only activated by "single" pressing record button.

The Bottom Line: The H4n Digital Recorder is worth every penny I spent on it. Great audio quality in a small mobile unit along with XLR, 1/4", and 1/8" input versatility.
I own a video production company in Las Vegas and more and more we were looking for a reliable field recorder to allow us to capture professional qualitiy audio outside of the cameras we use. I also wanted a unit that could be used for a quick studio recorder with a USB interface for an editing bay. I shopped around and, on paper, the best buy for my buck looked to be the Zoom H4n. I had never purchased a Zoom product before so I was a little tentative, but once I got the H4n, I immediately began to feel comfortable with my purchase.
Whats In The Box
When the recorder came in, I liked the combination of sturdiness and mobility. I also liked the accessories that Zoom included with the purchase. The package came with the H4n unit itself, an AC adapter, a 1GB SD Card, a mic wind screen, a mic clip adapter, a USB cable, Cubase LE recording software, and a plastic case for the H4n unit. I have seen retailers online try to pass these accessories off as their own "add ons" but don't be fooled, Zoom includes them in every box.
That being said, I bought mine at an online company that included a microphone stand with boom and a 16gb SD card for the same price as what everyone else was selling just the H4n by itself. Amazon currently has the best deals on these recorders either as standalone or in kits, as you can see here: My point is, take a look, there are some good packages out there where you can pick up some additional accessories at no extra cost.
I will run through an overall look of the Hardware itself and will incorporate pros and cons along the way:
The Hardware
As I mentioned before, this unit was a bit surprising, I've used voice digital recorders before and they were light as a feather and were built that way. I half expected the H4n to be the same but it had some girth and substance to it (for a hand held mobile recorder) yet was still about as light as some of the old school ipods.
Microphones and Mic Inputs:
Here is the big selling point for me: 4 channel recording with XLR inputs. I could not find this in a sub $500 recorder, until the H4n, end of story.
I use professional mics that utilize XLR outputs so I needed a field recorder that would have XLR inputs, this unit has 2 XLR inputs on the bottom. If you are a home recording musician and your instrument utilizes 1/4" problem, the XLR inputs double as 1/4" inputs as well.
There are 2 high quality built in XY mics at the top
of the unit that aim either 90 or 120 degrees depending on how you want them. On the back of the unit is a 1/8" mini stereo mic input in case you would rather use a mini input for an additional mic instead of the XY mics. The versatility is staggering I could set the unit up for 4 channel recording and have 1 XLR in one channel, a 1/4" in another channel, and either the XY built in mics OR a 1/8" mic to record audio. This is really amazing, and after using it several times, works beautifully with a simple 1 button configuration!
At the top of the H4n Digital Recorder are two very good XY microphones. They are VERY sensitive which means that if ANY contact is made to the chassis of the H4n, these mics will pick it up. They come set up as a 90 degree setting which will allow for a standard, directional room ambient setup. However, they are adjustable to 120 degrees to allow a wider coverage area like a full audience response in a conference room, which is what we need for convention speaker videography here in Vegas.
The Display and Controls
The front of the H4n Digital Recorder has a 1.9" LCD display which give you channel VU meters, record remaining time, and even a battery remaining meter. *Please note* when checking the LCD to see if the H4n is receiving a signal, you need to press the record button once. This does not start the recording but rather appears to just ready the unit for recording. Only after pressing the record button are you able to see the VUs registering a signal. Its an annoying 'feature', I know, perhaps Zoom will allow for the VUs to register without having to press a button at all in the future.
Moving along, above the LCD screen is an LED mode display to give you a quick glance at whether you are in 4channel, Stereo, or MTR mode.
The Controls
Beneath the LCD screen are 4 short cut and track select keys, which, like nearly all of the control buttons, are teenie tiny itsy bitsy. Which, is one of the true Lame-ities of this product, I have big fingers which makes selection a bit challenging, and when my videographers need to use it, they are trying to select things on the fly which doesn't bode well for small buttonry, but aside from this, its liveable.
Underneath the short cut/track select keys are the playback and record buttons called the "transport" keys by Zoom. The record button has a "gotcha" built in that can be costly when professionally recording a "one-time-only" event. I've alluded to this above, when you press the record button, it is more of a "standby" on the first press that readies the unit for recording. Pressing it a second time, actually starts the record timer on the LCD which tells you that you are recording. It can be a gotcha for newbies who think that they are recording only to find out after the session that they didn't press it the second time. Ouch!
The Menus and SD Card slot
The right side of the H4n is where you'll find the menu and jog dial selector. This information will be displayed on the LCD screen to configure the unit the way you like. I really like the set up the menu controls, it seemed intuitive enough for me, but I've read that others aren't too happy with them. The controls felt very "ipod-ish" to me, with jog dialing to sub menus and more sub menus, but the main selections are all on the main menu selector so that didn't bug me much.
Also on this side is the SD Card slot. I LOVE that this unit is expandable with SD cards, as long as SD cards (or SDHC) keep getting cheaper and the space on them even larger, my H4n recorder capacity will grow accordingly, BEAUTIFUL. OK, I'll calm down now. There is a "gotcha" involved with the SD card slot that seems to be consistent with ALL recording devices (video as well) that record to flash memory. Remove the card while the unit is running or processing in any way and you stand the chance of losing ALL data from that session...OUCH again. But no one reading this is going to try that are you? Are you!? Its just good to be aware of this pitfall ahead of time in case you fill a card and try to change it out too quickly. Dont do it!
The left side of the unit has the ever-popular "power" switch (its a good thing to know where this button is located), the headphone output - 1/8" mini which can double as a line-level out if you are working with a larger soundboard and/or mixer, volume controls, and, another gem feature of the H4n: The mini USB port.
The USB Port
This glorious USB port will allow you to power the H4n
by your computer's USB bus, or it lets you use the H4n to offload your files to your computer directly from the device OR, another great feature, use the H4n as an interface between your microphone(s) and or instruments to directly record to your computer. Ah, therein lies the 'home recorder in your pocket' phrase. The H4n is equipped with a preamp which will allow you to connect unpowered mics and instruments directly to the H4n and then directly to your computer.
Don't worry about picking up a USB to mini USB cable to accomplish this, as I've mentioned before, its in the box.
The final stop on our hardware tour is the back of the H4n digital recorder. At the top there is a small 1/8" mini input should you decide to use an external mic instead of the XY built-in mics. Obvious as this may be, if you choose to use this mic input, you DISABLE the built in speakers AND I've not been able to get it to work properly in "Stereo Mode" so using this output may be a choice only for the 4 channel mode.
Below the speaker to give you an audio reference apart from the headphone jack. VERY handy when trying to quickly get an audio read...remember, VU meters can tell you if you are getting a signal but they can't tell you if that signal is clipped (distorted) or wacked out in some other way. This is where the headphone jack is a must! And, when in a hurry and needing a quick reference, the speaker is a small blessing.
Tripod Mount
Beneath the reference speaker, is the threaded tripod mount. It is the standard size which I think is 3/8" or 1/4" basically the same as what you find on the bottom of consumer and prosumer video cameras. The great thing here is that Zoom includes a wooden Mic-handle shaped adapter that screws into this slot and the mic handle attaches to any standard mic clip for use on a mic stand. This is how hiproductions uses it exclusively.
I set it up as an "ambient" mic on a stand with the windscreen on the XY mics, put it in 4 channel mode, run my mics to it and Bob's my uncle.
The mic-handle adapter is included in the standard box, but the microphone clip and stand are not. As I mentioned, I found a nice kit that included these so I was set to go when it all came in.
Power, Batteries, and Stamina
Underneath the tripod mount on the H4n is the battery compartment . It takes 2 AA batteries and inside the battery compartment, (hidden by the battery cover, is something Zoom calls the "Stamina Switch" this is a switch that supposedly doubles the life of your batteries. Herein lies another slight flaw with the H4n. First of all, Zoom advertises nearly 6 hours of life on a set of 2 batteries...eeerrrmm, not so much. This unit might give you 6 hours if you attach it to your wall and use it as a night light, but try to do serious recording, especially 4 Channel recording and the battery life drops off significantly. When the batteries go, so does the recording, OUCH yet again.
I lost part of a recording during a shoot because I refused to believe that the batteries were dying after only about an hour of usage. They did. But I have seen 2+ hours on 4 channel recording with this which does the trick but its NO 6 hrs as advertised.
Zoom's answer to this is the hidden stamina switch. Supposedly this doubles the life of the batteries but does so at a cost to the responsiveness and performance of the H4n. I personally prefer to sacrifice battery life for performance everytime so I am not complaining, however, I did experiment with the stamina switch and it did improve my battery time, but I did not try it while 4 channel audio.
Herein lies yet another "GOTCHA". You will set up your rig to record 4 channel and the unit will record in 2 channel stereo. You will scramble to find the setting in the menus and submenus, you will try to press the 4channel mode button all to no avail. It is only going to record in 2 channel UNTIL, you find that sneaky nagging little hidden Stamina switch inside the battery compartment and turn it OFF. Then, magically, 4 channel mode is enabled again. So, stamina mode only works with Stereo 2 channel and will disable the ability to record in 4 channel.
Of course all of this can be avoided by using the adapter that is included in the kit and running this to the DC5V jack on the bottom of the H4n - but who wants to do it the easy way!? We find ourselves in a situation that requires a field recorder without access to power on outdoor shoots, but maybe this isn't your application. If its home studio stuff - then the power adapter is the way to go.
Software and Features
Included in your H4n package is a disc for Cubase LE software that allows you to record directly to your computer. This software is not bad at all, its on a level with Garageband for Mac (which is somewhat superior) but better than the freebie audio software out there for PC and Mac. Its not Pro Tools or advanced audio editing software but it is a great start for someone just getting started.
In addition to the H4n being a field recorder and a home studiio audio interface, it is also a phase trainer for musicians trying to learn a song by slowing down the playback without changing the pitch. The playback can be slowed to 50% or sped up to 150% as needed. This is also good for video work where we would need to add subtitles to an audio track to go along with picture. We can roll the session playback from the recorder and madly type in the appropriate subtitles in FCP's absolutely useless text 'mode' (I'll save that for the FCP review).
The H4n can also be used in MTR mode to record continual 2 track audio and dub down to 4 track for mixing vocals and music on the fly. Pretty cool. It also triples as a digital tuner for guitarists and a metronome for rhythm as well. Guitarists can also plug in and utilize some preset "amp" models should they decide to go on the cheap for this.
For Guitar FD Clean, VX Clean, HW Clean, US Blues, BG Crunch, MS #1959, PV Drive, Rect Vnt, DZ Drive, TS+FD_Combo, SD+MS_Stack, FZ+MS_Stack For Bass SVT, Bassman, Hartke, SuperBass, Sansamp, Tube Pre
I haven't used it for this purpose but I've read that they are probably not the recommended method for amp modeling. You can be the judge there.
The H4n can record to Mp3 or to WAV (less compressed) files up to 24bit quality, which is superior to CD quality and to most prosumer camera audio record quality (16bit). Recording to 24bit, and in WAV for that matter drastically reduces the amount of record time on your SD card but I tend to record in this quality exclusively and have been VERY pleased with the crisp, clear, rich sound that I've received from this unit. Granted, this is a $300 recorder so I'm not expecting the world, but for the money, the quality is more than acceptable.
Since I bought the H4n several months ago, the price has dropped by about $50. If I had to do it all over again, I would be willing to buy it at the $350 price point. It has been worth every penny to me. Yes a few gotchas and minor construction issues i.e. button size, but the quality, versatility, and functionality of this little H4n make me forget about those altogether.
Yes - by all means if you are in the market for a decent little 4 channel hand held recorder.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Evidence That I Do Not Yet Have The Worst Job In The World

Sometimes the clock is moving so slow it can feel like this is our job but it isn't. I wonder how the benefits are for this? Do they have coffee makers and microwaves in there for breaks? These are the things that pique my interest.

Make: Online : Real time clocks are powered by humans

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Joshy counts to 100 (video made by Qik VideoCamera)

Joshy counts to 100

The attached video was created using Qik VideoCamera application for
the iPhone.

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse any misspellings or odd words.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Do as I say, not as I do Democrats

As the Democrats threaten to use the "nuclear option" to ram Marxist healthcare down our throats whether we want it or not...It gives one reason for think back to 2005 when these same Democrats were decrying the "evils" of the nuclear is a video collection of those moments...I love how Biden is shown on this video lamenting that he "prays to God the Democrats don't use this arrogant power grab" when they are in, he is leading the way to the nuclear option. Like Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Al Franken, and the rest of the Obama bunch...its all about doing as they say and not as they do. Blinding hypocrisy.

P.S. I love Joe Biden...for all the flack the libbos gave Dan Quayle...Biden seriously makes Quayle look like Albert Einstein. Keep going Biden! At least you haven't used the racist phrase "negro dialect" yet...that is something to your credit!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Suicide Foods Blog


One of the funniest blogs I've come across in a long time! Basically, its a collection of real world advertisements where the animals that are being eaten appear "happy" or "cooperative" in the WEIRDEST ways to sell food. Random wackyness!