Wednesday, July 7, 2010

You asked for it! The big-spender scorecard

How did the congressional representative in your state vote on key "fail" issues?
Bank Bailout? It was supposed to "keep the loans for business and homes flowing". It did not. The banks took our money, and now refuse to give business and home loans.

Auto Bailout? It was supposed to "keep the auto manufacturers stable and profitable" It did not. In fact, GM - Government Motors is doing worse and Ford Motor Co., who refused the bailout, is more profitable than the manufacturers that took our money.

Cap and Trade? It is being pushed as legislation to stop evil industrial monsters from dumping poison into the atmosphere, lakes, and rivers. When in reality, that is not happening. It is legislation to tax you and me for using hot water, air conditioning, heating, gas, etc that is in "excess" of what Big Brother says it should be.

Health Care? It was supposed to usher in a utopia of shining happy people all secure in their government provided health care. It hasn't even gone into effect and already, the insurance companies are revealing that they will not cover certain "high risk" health patients. Already our insurance premiums are going up and coverage is going down to compensate for the future claims of deadbeats that show up at the door of the hospital and jump in on some gub'ment health care.

So how did your Congressmen and women vote. Here is a scorecard. Bookmark the site and make sure you bounce these clowns in November. There is no reason to allow them to continue to take our money and use it for extremist liberal left uses.

A new, simple guide about how lawmakers voted on controversial measures such as the TARP bill, auto bailout, cap and trade, food regulations and health-care reform bill. A new congressional scorecard details votes by House members on key measures , evidence of growing federal government control and excessive spending. A man named Dave Kittley created the scorecard using data from . He included a red label next to each member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus , or CPC, the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in Congress. CPC was set up in 1991 by then-Rep. Bernie Sanders, in conjunction with Democratic Socialists of America and the far left Institute

You asked for it! The big-spender scorecard

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